New To The Shop: Babyletto Nursery Furniture

We're saying "Hello!" to a new brand in the shop: Babyletto. This California based brand is the little brother of Nurseryworks, a premium brand we've been carrying for years. The furniture is designed in Los Angeles and produced in Asia, with style, sustainability, and safety as a top priorities. Babyletto furniture is GREENGUARD GOLD Certified -- which means less indoor air pollution and a healthier home.

Not only cribs, Babyletto produces a slew of other stylish nursery furniture, including  dressers, bunkbeds, playtables, storage and shelving. We've hand picked some of our favorites for the floor so that you can see the quality and style as you're making your nursery selection. 

What's On The Floor:

These models are proudly on display at Babesta Cribz in Tribeca. We invite you to come in and check them out in person! We've selected these as great examples of styles that will work well for NYC apartments because of their size and versatility.

Origami Mini Crib

babyletto origami mini crib

The Origami Mini Crib by Babyletto is a great choice for a city dweller who is short on space but wants to follow American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation to have your baby sleep in your room (not your bed) for the first 6 months to a year. The mini crib allows for extended use in a super-cute yet small footprint. Not only do we love that this mini crib has an adjustable base, but that it can fold up easily when it's not in use. Since it can be used for 12-18 months (depending on your child's height), it's also a great choice for the grandparents or country home. 

To boot, it's a great value. At $299, mattress included, is pretty hard to beat. 

Gelato Crib

babyletto gelato crib

The thing we love about the Gelato 4-in-1 Crib is it's cute-as-a-button feet. We love the pop or color or bling of gold you can add to the modern crib, giving it a little extra style. This crib is also quite versatile, allowing for a crib, toddler bed, daybed and (with an additional conversion kit) a full sized bed. How's that for longevity! Made from sustainably-sourced New Zealand Pine.

$399, toddler rail included. Full size bed conversion kit sold separately. We recommend the Naturepedic Crib mattress to go with!

Yuzu Crib

Yuzu Crib by Babyletto

As if sensing a challenge, the Yuzu Crib is an 8-in-1, with so many useful configurations. (It's even made our Top Convertible Crib list!) The Yuzu starts as a bassinet and then can be converted into a midi size (sort of like a mini crib), and then finally to a full size crib. The conversion kit is even included! We love how versatile and stylish this crib is! $599.

TipToe Bunk Bed

Babyletto tiptoe bed

New York City families are big fans of the bunk bed set up. It makes sense in this space starved city! The Tiptoe Bunk Bed by Babyletto is a great new addition to the line.

Tiptoe Bunk Bed Babyletto

It features a sturdy integrated ladder that can be placed on either side. It can also convert into two individual twin sized beds, when they're ready for their own rooms. You can even pair it with the twin storage trundle bed for even more functionality! $999

Over the next weeks we'll have all of these on the floor! We can't wait to have you in to check them out. These are great choices for your registry as well (Babesta has our own registry where we offer tons of services, and also work with Babylist!) In the meantime, if you have any questions about any Babyletto or other nursery or youth furniture, reach out by live chat, phone (646) 290 5508 or just pop in!



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